🤔Have you been looking for an opportunity to join a workshop to learn more about water safety and to become more comfortable around the swimming pool?

🤔Would you like to jumpstart your swimming journey this summer?

🤔Are you looking to meet other ladies in the community?

🤔Do you have water phobia or anxiety around the pool?

🤔 Do you want an opportunity for you and your child to be in the water together and be water safe together?

🤔 Have you ever wanted to try a workout in the water for your joints?

âś…If you said YES to any of these questions, then you are in the right place!

🧕Join Coach Ola for a workshop on water safety to finish the summer season off strong and to enjoy being in the swimming pool.

Wednesday, July 31st

from 5 PM - 7 PM.

👉This is for adults ONLY!

👉Coach Ola can only work with a small group of adults at a time to ensure safety and space for everyone.


🙏Please reserve your spot by signing up below! After you submit the payment, the address to the pool will be shown in the sales page!

âś…What is included at water safety workshop?

  • Gain an understanding of swimming and water safety.
  • Become more comfortable being in the water.
  • Treading in deep end. (overview)
  • Bodyroll concept.
  • Breathing out in the water.
  • Take away with you homework to work on so you can continue practicing during the summer.
  • Movements that you can do in the water (exercises)

See below the location of the pool and to see the setup of the pool as well as the prices with the messages for all details!


If I do not get at least 5 sign ups for adults by Monday, July 29th, I am cancelling this event!

The view of the swimming pool

This picture is straight from Swimply. This is how the swimming pool looks and the estimated size based off from the picture

The pool space with floaties

This picture is straight from Swimply. This is how the pool space looks like.

The pool!

This is another view of the pool. To see more pictures of the pool, visit the link here: https://swimply.com/pooldetails/17731?utm_source=pdp_share_button&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=17731

Choose a Pricing Option

What is included in the course after you sign up


Whose pool is this?

-This is a rented pool! It belongs to someone who I am renting through Swimply.com

How can I make sure this is a safe pool?

-Yes, safety is number one concern which I also take very heavily. Swimply hosts are verified users and this host will not be at home so we will be to ourselves. Of course the host has security cameras which is part of every space even indoor pools for safety concerns at all times.

Will I be able to shower after the pool time?

-Unfortunately no. Since this is not my pool and because it's limited time rent, showering will need to be done at home. This host does not have shower available. Each house has different rules. I believe this house, I would have to pay extra to shower - you can change your clothes and shower at home.

Which pool did you rent and where is the location at ?

-This pool is located in Leesburg, VA. Once you sign up for the course/page, the exact address will be provided and further details will be mentioned as well.

You can also view this pool by clicking the link below to learn more about it:


About Coach Ola:

Ola is a certified personal trainer and swim instructor. She is currently teaching swimming at SwimBox. She teaches water aerobic classes through LetSwim and GMU. She is passionate about swimming and is hoping this opportunity and opportunities she created in the past help Muslim women to come out to the pool and be able to enjoy swimming. She understands the risks and concerns of renting pools through Swimply as well as she understands the concerns of showering, privacy, and everything in between. She is trying her best, and she hopes this will be a great opportunity to celebrate Eid and jumpstart swimming journey, in shaa Allah.